Welcome to Our MOQ School Media Page
Welcome to Mary Our Queen Catholic School. Here, we showcase the vibrant student and family life and experiences that make our school community so special. From heartwarming stories to captivating visuals, our media content reflects the essence of our educational mission and the achievements of our students, faculty, and staff.

Media Inquiries
Thank you for your interest in MOQ. For all media inquiries, including interviews, photography, and filming requests, please contact our Director of Marketing & Communications, Mrs. Cindy Tooher at 402-333-8663 or ctooher@moqschool.org.
We’re excited to collaborate with you and share the stories happening within our school community.

Explore Our Content & Connect With MOQ
- Social Media: Follow us on social media to stay connected and engaged with our school community. Find us on Facebook and Instagram for news, updates, and interactive content.
- News and Announcements: Stay informed about the latest news, events, and achievements at Mary Our Queen School. Our Weekly Mustang Memo and past memos for this school year are located here
- Testimonials: Hear from parents, students, alumni, and faculty members about their experiences at MOQ. Their testimonials provide insight into the transformative impact of our educational approach and the supportive community we’ve built together.